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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

ATK lays off 100 workers

ATK Aerospace Systems laid off about 100 employees on Wednesday as a result of the end of NASA's space shuttle program.

Employees were informed of the move at the end of June. Of the 100 who were laid off Wednesday, 28 volunteered. Five were transferred to other divisions, and 11 of them are out of state. The reduction was primarily in Utah - with locations in Magna, Clearfield and Promontory - but also affected locations in Alabama and Florida, according to a press statement.

"We have some of the most dedicated, passionate teams I've ever encountered," said Trina Patterson, spokeswoman for ATK Aerospace Systems. "It's a very, very hard day for us, and it's not easy to do this."

This is not the first layoff that ATK has had in recent years, but it is a smaller reduction, Patterson told The Herald Journal.

"We remain encouraged about ATK's long-term role in space exploration, with our commercial Liberty Launch Vehicle and the development of NASA's Space Launch System that can use our advanced solid rocket motor technology," Patterson said. "We are also actively engaged in securing future work that spans our heritage programs and customers, as well as strategically expanding in new, adjacent business areas."

ATK's Utah delegation is currently working to secure NASA's future heavy lift vehicle. It's also continuing to work on the development of the upgraded five-segment solid rocket motor and will conduct a third ground test in September.

Monday, August 1, 2011

August Comes in With a BANG!

Several hours after midnight and into the first day of August, I was awakened to what sounded like the middle of World War II. Lightning bright and constant with thunder following, cracking loudly right on top of me, or so it seemed. It kept up for most of the wee hours.

Homeowners south of here were flooded. - North Ogden homeowners wake up to flooded homes